© National Instruments Corporation 5 NI WLS/ENET-9163 Carrier User Guide and Specifications
LabVIEW Getting Started with
LabVIEW—describes the
LabVIEW graphical
programming environment and
the basic LabVIEW features you
use to build data acquisition and
instrument control application.
Start»All Programs»National
LabVIEW Manuals or navigate to
the labview\manuals directory
and opening
LabVIEW Help—provides
information about LabVIEW
programming concepts,
step-by-step instructions for
using LabVIEW, and reference
information about LabVIEW
VIs, functions, palettes, menus,
and tools.
Help»Search the LabVIEW Help
LabVIEW Help Topics Specific to NI-DAQmx
Includes overview information
and a tutorial to learn how to take
an NI-DAQmx measurement in
LabVIEW using the DAQ
From the Contents tab, Getting
Started»Getting Started with DAQ
Describes the LabVIEW
NI-DAQmx VIs and properties.
From the Contents tab,
VI and Function Reference»
Measurement I/O VIs and
Contains the conceptual and
how-to information you need
to acquire and analyze
measurement data in LabVIEW,
including common
measurements, measurement
fundamentals, NI-DAQmx key
concepts, and device
From the Contents tab, Taking
Table 1. NI Driver and Application Software Documentation (Continued)
Software Document/Description Location/Topic