AppendixB CablingRequirements for PXI-8460 Low-Speed CAN
PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT B-2 ni.com
CAN_H and CAN_L are signallines that carry the data onthe CAN
network.These signals shou ld be connected using twisted-pair cable.
TheV+ and V–pins are used to supply bus power to the CAN physical
layeri f externalpower is required for the CAN physical layer. If internal
powerfor the CAN physical layer is used, the V–pinservesasthereference
ground forC AN_H and CAN_L. See the nexts ection, Power Supply
Information for the Low-Speed CAN Ports, for more information.
Power Supply Information for the Low-Speed CAN PortsForport one of the PXI-8460, power is configured with jumper J5. For port
twoof the PXI-84 60, poweris configured with jumper J6. These jumpers
are shownin Figure B-2.
FigureB-2. PXI-8460 Parts Locator Diagram
Connectingpin s1 and 2 of a ju mper configuresthe CAN p hysicallay er to
bepowered externally (from the bus cable power). In this configuration, the
powermust be supplied on the V+ and V–pins on the port connector.
1 PowerSupply Jumper J6
2 PowerSupply Jumper J5
3 AssemblyNumber
4 ProductName
5 SerialNumber
6 TerminationResistor Sockets
3 4