AppendixF Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation F-3 PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT
Howdo I connect a CAN cable to m y CAN port?
Youwill need to use an appropriate cable. For information about
cabling requirements for National Instruments CAN hardware, refer
to Appendix B, Cabling Requirements for PXI-8460 Low-Speed CAN or
Appendix C, Cabling Requirements for PXI-8461 High-Speed CAN.
Areinterrupts required for the PXI-8460, PXI-8461, and PXI-8462?
Yes,one interrupt per board is required.
What do I do if the NI-CAN Diagnostic utility fails with an error?
Referto the Diagnostic Utility Failures section in this appendix for specific
informationabout what m ight cause the NI-CAN Diagnostic utility to fail.
Ifyou have already completed the troubleshooting steps, contact National
How do I use an NI-CAN language interface?
Forinformation about using NI-CAN l anguage interfaces,refer to
Chapter3, Developing Your Application, in theNI-CAN User Manu al.
Howdo I use NI-C AN fromwithin LabVIEW or BridgeVIEW?
Forinformation about using NI-CAN f rom within LabVIEW or
BridgeVIEW,refer to Chapter 3, Developing Your Application, in the
NI-CAN User Manual.
Whydoes the uninstall p rogramleave some components installed?
The uninstall program removeso nly items that the installation program
installed. If you add anything to a directory that wascreated by the
installation program, the uninstall program does not delete that directory
because the directory is not empty after theu ninstallation.You must
removeany remaining components yourself.