©NationalInstruments Corporation H-1 PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT
HTechnical Support Resources
Web Support
National Instruments Websupport is your first stop for help in solving
installation,configuration, and application problems and questions. O nline
problem-solving and diagnostic resources include frequently asked
questions, knowledgebases, product-specifictroubleshooting wizards,
manuals, drivers,software updates, and more. Web support is available
through the TechnicalSupport section of ni.com
NI Developer Zone
The NI DeveloperZone at ni.com/zone is the essential resource for
buildingmeasurement and automation systems. At the NI Developer Zone,
you can easily accessthe latest example programs, system configurators,
tutorials,technical news, as well as a community of developers ready to
share theirown techniques.
Customer Education
National Instruments provides a number of alternatives to satisfy your
training needs,from self-paced tutorials, videos, and interactive CDs to
instructor-ledhands-o n courses at locations around the world. Visitthe
CustomerEducation section of ni.comfor o nline course schedules,
syllabi, training centers, and class registration.
System Integration
Ifyou have time constraints, limited in-house t echnical resources, or other
dilemmas, you may prefer to employ consulting or system integration
services. Youcan rely on the expertise available through our worldwide
networkof Al liance Program members. Tofind out more about our
Alliance system integration solutions, visit the System Integration section
of ni.com