AppendixB CablingRequirements for PXI-8460 Low-Speed CAN
PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT B-4
Cable Specifications
Cables should meet the physical medium requirements specified in
ISO 11519-2, shownin Table B-2.
Belden cable (3084A) meets all of those requirements, and should be
suitable for most applications.
Number of Devices
Themaximum number of devices depends on the electrical characteristics
ofthe d eviceson the network. If all of the devices meet the requirements
ofISO 11519-2, at least 20 devicesmay be connected to th e bus.Higher
numbersof devicesmay be connected if the electrical characteristics of
the devicesdo not degrade signal quality below ISO 11519-2 signal level
TableB-2. ISO 11519-2 Specifications for Characteristics of a CAN_H
andCAN_L Pair of Wires
Characteristic Valu e
Length-related resistance 90 m/m nominal
Length-relatedcapacitance: CAN_L and ground,
CAN_H and ground, CAN_L and CAN_H
30 pF/m nominal