Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-5 PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT
Configure the NI-CAN SoftwareThe NI-CAN Configuration utility is located in the Windows NT Control
Panel. You can use it to examine or modify the configuration of the
NI-CAN software.T he context-sensitive online help, available by
right-clicking on any of the controls on the configuration utility buttons,
includes all the information you need to configure the NI-CAN software.
Touse the NI-CAN Configuration utility, you must first log in as
Administratoror as a user with Administrator privileges.To configure
theNI-CAN software, double-click on the NI-CAN Configuration icon in
the ControlP anel:
•WindowsNT 3.51—Open the Control Panel in the Main group of the
Program Manager.
•WindowsNT 4.0 or later—Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
Figure2 -3 showsa CAN interface that is working properly. If no interfaces
arelisted under NI-CAN Configuration, refer to the MissingBoardinthe
NI-CANConfiguration Utility section in Appendix F,Troubleshooting and
Common Questions,to resolve the problem.
Figure2-3. PXI-8461 That Is Working Properly
Toselect a particular interface, click on that interface in the list.
When you install a PXI-8460, PXI-8461, or PXI-8462, your computer
automatically assigns validresources to it. Because this resource
assignment is automatic, you do not need to use the Resources dialog
box fort hePXI h ardware, nord o you need to restart WindowsNT.