Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
PXI-846xand NI-CAN for Windows NT 2-6
Toview information about the NI-CAN software configuration for the
PXI-8460,PXI-8461, or PXI-8462, click on the Settings button. Figure 2-4
showsthe Settings dialog box.
Figure2-4. NI-CAN Hardware Settings Dialog Box
Eachport of the PXI-8460, PXI-8461 or PXI-8462 is configured from this
tab.Use the drop-down box nearest the top of the tab to select the physical
portnumber t o configure.For each port, use the Name drop-down box to
selectthe name for the CAN Network Interface Object (CAN0,CAN1,and
so on).You use this name to refer to the physical port from within your
NI-CAN application.
Toaccess online help for the NI-CAN Configuration utility, click on the
Help button.You can also right-click on a specific control and select
WhatsThis?fromthe pop-up menu to see context-sensitive help for the
item you haveclicked on.
When you havefinished configuring the NI-CAN software, proceed to
Chapter3, Verify the Installation.