Chapter 5 Programming
© National Instruments Corporation 5-17 SCXI-1121 User Manual
Assuming that the modules are cabled and programmed correctly, the
Slot0 scan lists should be as follows:
Other solutions are possible.
In the section, 3. Programming the Slot 0 Hardscan Circuitry, earlier in this
chapter, step 3 consists of the following steps:
1. Select Slot 14 in Chassis 1.
2. Write XXXXX001 10000011 over MOSI.
3. Toggle SLOT0SEL*.
4. Write XXXXX110 00000101 over MOSI.
5. Select Slot 14 in Chassis 2.
6. Write XXXXX110 00000011 over MOSI.
7. Toggle SLOT0SEL*.
8. Write XXXXX101 00000001 over MOSI.
9. Toggle SLOT0SEL*.
10. Write XXXXX110 00000011 over MOSI.
11. Select Slot 14 in Chassis 3.
12. Write XXXXX110 00000101 over MOSI.
13. Toggle SLOT0SEL*.
14. Write XXXXX001 00000000 over MOSI.
15. Toggle SLOT0SEL*.
16. Write XXXXX011 10000010 over MOSI.
17. Select Slot 0 in Chassis 0.
Chassis 1 Chassis 2 Chassis 3
Entry Slot
Number Count Entry Slot
Number Count Entry Slot
Number Count
1 4 4 1 13 4 1 13 6
213 6 2 11 2 2 3 1
3 13 4 3 8 3