Appendix A Specifications
SCXI-1121 User Manual A-2 www.natinst.com
Filtering (jumper-selectable) ..................4 Hz (–10 dB) or 10 kHz (–3 dB),
3-pole RC
Noise (400 kHz bandwidth)1
Input (gain = 1,000)
4 Hz filter.................................100 nVrms
10 kHz filter.............................4 µVrms
Output (gain = 1)
4 Hz..........................................150 µVrms
10 kHz......................................1 mVrms
Output selection time (with 5 V step, all gains)2
0.012% accuracy..............................5.2 µsec typical, 7 µsec maximum
0.006% accuracy..............................10 µsec
0.0015% accuracy............................20 µsec
Rise time
4 Hz.................................................0.12 sec
10 kHz.............................................70 µsec
Slew rate.................................................0.15 V/µsec
Operating common-mode voltage,
50 Hz or 60 Hz
Channel to channel or
Channel to earth...............................250 Vrms2
Common-mode rejection ratio, 50 or 60 Hz
1 kΩ in input leads..........................160 dB minimum at 4 Hz
NMR (50 or 60 Hz).........................60 dB at 4 Hz bandwidth
Input protection (continuous)................. 250 Vrms maximum
Output protection....................................Continuous short-to-ground
Power dissipation....................................7.5 W maximum
1 Includes the combined effects of the SCXI-1121 and the AT-MIO-16F-5
2 Module tested following the UL1244 standard to twice the working voltage +1000 Vrms