Appendix G Technical Support Resources
SCXI-1121 User Manual G-2 www.natinst.com
Software-Related Resources
•Instrument Driver Network—A library with hundreds of instrument
drivers for control of standalone instruments via GPIB, VXI, or serial
interfaces. You also can submit a request for a particular instrument
driver if it does not already appear in the library.
•Example Programs Database—A database with numerous,
non-shipping example programs for National Instruments
programming environments. You can use them to complement the
example programs that are already included with National Instruments
•Software Library—A library with updates and patches to application
software, links to the latest versions of driver software for National
Instruments hardware products, and utility routines.
Worldwide SupportNational Instruments has offices located around the globe. Many branch
offices maintain a Web site to provide information on local services. You
can access these Web sites from www.natinst.com/worldwide.
If you have trouble connecting to our Web site, please contact your local
National Instruments office or the source from which you purchased your
National Instruments product(s) to obtain support.
For telephone support in the United States, dial 512795 8248. For
telephone support outside the United States, contact your local branch
Australia03 9879 5166, Austria0662 4579 900, Belgium 02757 0020,
Brazil011 284 5011, Canada(Calgary) 403274 9391,
Canada (Ontario)905 7850085, Canada (Québec)514 6948521,
China0 755 3904939, Denmark 4576 2600, Finland 09725 72511,
France 01 48 14 2424, Germany 089741 3130, Greece 301 4296 427,
Hong Kong 26453186, India 91805275406, Israel03 6120092,
Italy 02 413091, Japan 035472 2970, Korea 02596 7456,
Mexico(D.F.) 5280 7625, Mexico(Monterrey) 8357 7695,
Netherlands 0348433466, Norway 3227 7300, Singapore 2265886,
Spain (Barcelona)93 5820251, Spain (Madrid)91 6400085,
Sweden 08587 89500, Switzerland 056200 5151,
Taiwan02 23771200, United Kingdom01635 523545