Progress on Current Physical

Indicates the progress of the current media patrol on a


physical drive.

Number of Physical Drives

Indicates the number of physical drives on which media


patrol has already been completed.

Number of Physical Drives

Indicates the number of physical drives on which media


patrol is to be done.

Completed Physical Drives IDs

Indicates the IDs of physical drives on which media patrol


has already been completed.

Queued Physical Drives IDs

Indicates the IDs of physical drives on which media patrol is


to be done.


„During media patrol, "Yielded" may appear in the Media Patrol Status field. The media patrol is set to have the lowest running priority by default. If an access occurs during media patrol, the media patrol is paused until the completion of the access. "Yielded" appears in such a situation.

„After media patrol is completed, be sure to see the event log to check whether one or more errors occur during the media patrol. If a media error occurred, a message indicating the occurrence appears before the message showing that the media patrol is completed without any problem.

„While media patrol is run to a physical device, the time scheduled to another media patrol of the physical device may come. If so, the scheduled media patrol is skipped.

„If the power is off at the time when media patrol is scheduled previously, the scheduled media patrol is skipped.

3.9.1Scheduling Media Patrol


„Media patrol is scheduled by default to be run at 0:00 a.m. on Wednesday every week just after installation of WebPAM PRO.

„Media patrol is scheduled by default to be run at 0:00 a.m. on Wednesday every week just after installation of WebPAM PRO.

„You can set a single schedule of media patrol for a single controller.

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