1.2 Precautions

Be sure to read the following notes and precautions before using WebPAM PRO:

„It is strongly recommended to provide media patrol or redundancy check routinely for all logical drives and HDDs to be connected. Whether the media patrol or the redundancy check is used may be determined as follows depending on the environment of your system.


Environment in which your system is always subject to load.


--- Redundancy check can continue at a constant rate under


heavy system load

Media patrol

Environment in which your system is subject to comparatively


small load in any period including the night.


--- Media Patrol has lower priority than other tasks in the system,


so it may make little progress under heavy system load

The above action allows you to find subsequent defects (due to degradation such as aging) in files of low access frequency and unused areas as soon as possible. In rebuilding after replacement of a HDD due to a failure, subsequent defects may be found in remaining HDDs. In such a case, the system cannot be recovered. Thus, detecting subsequent defects as early as possible is extremely effective as preventive maintenance. Periodical redundancy check or media patrol is effective to keep the stable operation of your system. It is strongly recommended to take the action once per week or at least once per month. For the detailed explanation and routine action, see the description on the scheduling of the redundancy check or media patrol in this manual. Note that a media patrol task has been scheduled to be done on AM0:00 every Wednesday by default.

„Setting for security is required when you log on to WebPAM PRO first time. See "Appendix A First Logon."

„To start WebPAM PRO, more than 255 colors must be selected in the screen setup.

„A message that indicates “Unknown”may be registered in the Event Frame of WebPAM PRO when the system is under heavy load such as the case when mutilple background activities are running at the same time. Even in that case, all the background activities are properly done and will successfully be finished, and the messages will be registered in syslog. Please close WebPAM PRO and then restart it.

„The “HTTP 500 Error” window may be displayed when some load is added during operation of WebPAM PRO or, in particular, while multiple background activities are running. In this case, refresh the screen from the Refresh tab. For the Refresh tab, see Section 3.3.

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