Hardware Manual for the Model CG814WG Wireless Cable Modem Gateway
Appendix D Networks, Routing, and Firewall Basics
This chapter provides an overview of IP networks, routing, and firewalls.
Related Publications
As you read this document, you may be directed to various RFC documents for further information. An RFC is a Request For Comment (RFC) published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an open organization that defines the architecture and operation of the Internet. The RFC documents outline and define the standard protocols and procedures for the Internet. The documents are listed on the World Wide Web at www.ietf.org and are mirrored and indexed at many other sites worldwide.
Basic Router Concepts
Large amounts of bandwidth can be provided easily and relatively inexpensively in a local area network (LAN). However, providing high bandwidth between a local network and the Internet can be very expensive. Because of this expense, Internet access is usually provided by a
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