Reference Manual for the 108 Mbps Wireless Firewall Router WGT624 v3
IP (Internet Protocol) address
ISO Network Model
A network model developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) that consists of seven different levels, or layers. By standardizing these layers, and the interfaces in between, different portions of a given protocol can be modified or changed as technologies advance or systems requirements are altered. The seven layers are:
•Data Link
The IEEE 802.11 Standard encompasses the physical layer (PHY) and the lower portion of the data link layer. The lower portion of the data link layer is often referred to as the Medium Access Controller (MAC) sublayer.
MAC (Media Access Control)
Every wireless 802.11 device has its own specific MAC address
Mesh Networks
Also called mesh topology, mesh is a network topology in which devices are connected with many redundant interconnections between network nodes. In a full mesh topology every node has a connection to every other node in the network. Mesh networks may be wired or wireless.
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