N900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR4500
•Wireless MAC of this router. This field displays the MAC address for your router for your reference. You will need to enter this MAC address in the corresponding Wireless Repeating Function screen of the other access point you are using.
•Wireless Repeater. If your router is the repeater, select this check box.
Repeater IP Address. If your router is the repeater, enter the IP address of the other access point.
Disable Wireless Client Association. If your router is the repeater, selecting this check box means that wireless clients cannot associate with it. Only LAN client associations are allowed.
-If you are setting up a
-If you want all client traffic to go through the other access point (repeater with wireless client association), leave this check box cleared.
Base Station MAC Address. If your router is the repeater, enter the MAC address for the access point that is the base station.
•Wireless Base Station. If your router is the base station, select this check box.
Disable Wireless Client Association. If your router is the base station, selecting this check box means that wireless clients cannot associate with it. Only LAN client associations are allowed.
Repeater MAC Address (1 through 4). If your router is the base station, it can act as the “parent” of up to 4 other access points. Enter the MAC addresses of the other access points in these fields.
Set Up the Base Station
The wireless repeating function works only in hub and spoke mode. The units cannot be
To set up the base station:
1.Set up both units with exactly the same wireless settings (SSID, mode, channel, and security). Note that the wireless security option has to be set to None or WEP.
Advanced Settings