N900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR4500
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 100 up time, system 73
upgrading firmware 16, 71
advanced configuration 49 basic storage settings 47 drive requirements 45 file sharing 45 ReadySHARE access 45, 48 remote computer connection 53 specifying approved devices 52 unmounting a USB drive 51
USB devices, approved 52
viewing logs 76
router status 72
WAN IP address, troubleshooting 108 WAN setup 33
wireless channel 26
wireless connection, troubleshooting 111 wireless connections 8
wireless devices,adding to the network 18 Wireless Distribution System (WDS) 82, 83 Wireless LED, troubleshooting and 107, 108 wireless mode 26
wireless network name (SSID) broadcast 26 described 26
product label 12 wireless network settings 26 wireless radio 81
wireless repeating 82, 83 base station 84 repeater unit 85
wireless security options 28
wireless settings 24, 76 checking for correct 105 SSID broadcast 26