Check Cooling
This checks that your game is functioning at the proper temperature and all fans are working.
The Back button takes you back to the Hardware Tests menu.
Silver Strike Settings
Player Cost Schedule
This option allows you to adjust the amount of money it costs a player to play various game types.
Game Audits
This area allows you to view your money audits, game purchase audits, and reset your collections and audits.
Game Options
This area allows you to adjust options specific to Silver
Strike Bowling including Vegas mode.
Game Event Info
This menu contains various player performance totals including spare and strike percentages to help you adjust your game to your local players.
Reset Leaderboards
This option will reset your game’s High Game leaderboard and 3 Game Series leaderboard in the attract mode.
Ticket Dispenser
This menu contains various options to set your game's ticket dispenser settings and clear any tickets owed.
This will take you back to the Main Menu.
Silver Strike Bowling™ | Version 08/04 | Page 30 |
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