Blink Warning

Press the dbutton Mztab (A9) MBlink warning

Select whether or not the camera detects human subjects that have blinked using face detection (A78) when shooting in the following modes:

Scene auto selector, Portrait or Night portrait (when Tripod is selected) scene mode (A36)

When shooting mode is set to A, B, C, D or i (when Face priority (E41) is selected for AF area mode option)





When one or more human subjects may have blinked in an image captured using face detection, the Did someone

Onblink? screen is displayed in the monitor.

Check the image and determine whether or not another image should be captured.

Off (default setting) Blink warning is disabled.

The Blink Warning Screen

Faces detected by the blink warning are displayed inside a border.

The operations described below are available.

To enlarge the face: Move the zoom control toward g(i). If more than one face is detected, use the multi selector JKto select the desired face.

To switch to full-frame playback: Move the zoom control toward f(h).

Did someone blink?

Zoom in Exit


If you press the kbutton, or if no operations are performed for a few seconds, the camera returns to shooting mode.

B Notes About Blink Warning

The blink warning is disabled in the following situations.

-When the smile timer is selected (A58)

-When an option other than Single (E35) is selected for continuous shooting

-When an option other than Off (E40) is selected for exposure bracketing

-When On (E48) is selected for Multiple exposure mode

The blink warning may not function properly in some shooting conditions.

