Arm 5K·104C for 5peedlights 58·102, 58·103
Use the arm (SK-104C) to secure the SB-102 or SB-103 to the standard bracket or double bracket. When connecting the SB-103, use a wide adaptor to adjust the shooting angle and flash angle.
Weight: Approx. 250g (8.8 oz) (on land)
Approx. 80g (2.8 oz) (underwater)
Shoulder joint lock
~·ShOllllr1er joint
release button
Using the SK·104C arm for the S8·102 and S8·103
1Insert the arm (SK-104C) into the jOint attached to the S8-102 or S8-103.
-For details on the joint and instructions on its use, see the Instruction Manual for the 88-102 or 88-103.
2Attach the arm to the double bracket (SK-104W) in the same way that the standard arm (SK-104A) is attached to the standard bracket (SK-1048). (See page 17.)