Image Size

Choose a size for JPEG images:

Image size

Size (pixels)

Print size (cm/in.) *

# Large

6000 × 4000

50.8 × 33.9/20 × 13.3

$ Medium

4496 × 3000

38.1 × 25.4/15.0 × 10

% Small

2992 × 2000

25.3 × 16.9/10 × 6.7

*Approximate size when printed at 300 dpi. Print size in inches equals image size in pixels divided by printer resolution in dots per inch (dpi; 1 inch=approximately 2.54 cm).

1Display image size options.

Press the P button, then highlight the current image size in the information display and press J.


Information display

2Choose an image size.

Highlight an option and press J.