Color Outline
This option creates a copy of your image in outline form (see Figure 10.20), which
Nikon says you can use for “painting.” You might like the effect on its own. It’s a little
like the Find Edges command in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, but you can per-
form this magic in your camera!
David Busch’s Nikon D7000 Guide to Digital SLR Photography338
Figure 10.20 The Color Outline retouching feature creates an outline image (right), but it’s not in color (like the
original, left).
Perspective Control
This option lets you adjust the perspective of an image, reducing the falling back effect
produced when the camera is tilted to take in the top of a tall subject, such as a build-
ing. Use the multi selector buttons to “tilt” the image in various directions and visually
correct the distortion as in Figure 10.21.