If you like to shoot RAW+JPEG, you can review image pairs as if they were a single
image (rather than view the RAW and JPEG versions separately), and work with
whichever version you need. The active focus area can be displayed in the image (see
Figure 13.1 again), and there are histogram, highlight, and shadow displays to help you
evaluate an image.
Should you want to organize your images, there are 10 labels available to classify images
by criteria such as images printed, images copied, or images sent as e-mail, and you can
mark your best shots for easier retrieval with a rating system of one to five stars. ViewNX
also allows you to edit embedded XMP/IPTC information in fields such as Creator,
Origin, Image Title, and suitable keywords. The utility can be downloaded from the
support/download pages of the Nikon website at www.nikonusa.com.
Nikon Transfer
It seems like everyone offers some sort of image transfer system that automatically rec-
ognizes when a memory card is inserted in a reader, or a digital camera like the Nikon
D7000 is attached to a computer using a USB cable. The most popular operating sys-
tems, from Mac OS X to Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 have their own built-in
transfer programs, and Adobe Photoshop Elements includes one in its suite of utilities.
Chapter 13 Useful Software for the Nikon D7000 445
Figure 13.1
Nikon View
NX is a great
basic file view-
ing utility.