6Start recording.

Press the movie-record button to start recording. A recording indicator and the time available are displayed in the monitor. Exposure is set using matrix metering and can be locked by pressing the AAE-L/AF-Lbutton (0 128) or altered by up to ±3 EV using exposure compensation (0 130). In autofocus mode, the camera can be refocused by pressing the Bbutton.

Movie-record button Recording indicator

Time remaining



The camera can record both video and sound; do not cover the microphone on the front of the camera during movie recording. Note that the built-in microphone may record sounds made by the lens during autofocus, vibration reduction, or changes to aperture.

ASee Also

Frame size, microphone sensitivity, and card slot options are available in the Movie settings menu (0 70). Focus can be adjusted manually as described on page 55. The roles played by the center of the multi selector, the Fn, depth-of-field preview, and AAE-L/AF-Lbuttons can be chosen using Custom Settings f2 (Multi selector center button; 0 309), g1 (Assign Fn button; 0 321), g2 (Assign preview button; 0 322), and g3 (Assign AE-L/AF-L button, 0 323; this option also allows exposure to be locked without keeping the AAE-L/AF-Lbutton pressed), respectively. Custom Setting g4 (Assign shutter button; 0 324) controls whether the shutter-release button can be used to start movie live view or to start and end movie recording.