Features Shooting

j, k, l, m Modes (Setting the Exposure for Shooting)

BNotes on Shooting

When zooming is performed after the exposure is set, exposure combinations or aperture value may be changed.

When the subject is too dark or too bright, it may not be possible to obtain the appropriate exposure. In such cases, the shutter speed indicator or aperture value indicator flashes when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway (except when the m mode is used). Change the shutter speed setting or aperture value. When settings such as ISO sensitivity (A69) are changed, the appropriate exposure may be obtained.

BNote on ISO Sensitivity

When ISO sensitivity (A69) is set to Auto or Fixed range auto, the ISO sensitivity in m mode is fixed at ISO 80.

Changing j, k, l, mModes

Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector A55

Features That Can Be Set Using the d(Menu) Button

-Shooting menu A67

-Setup menu A103

Functions That Can Be Set Using the Fn (Function) Button A71