Features Not Available in Combination

The Control Range of the Shutter Speed (j, k, l, mModes)

The control range of the shutter speed differs depending on the zoom position, aperture value or the ISO sensitivity setting. Additionally, the control range changes in the following continuous shooting settings.




Control range





1/40003 to 1 s (j, k, l mode)




Fixed range auto2

1/40003 to 8 s (m mode)




ISO 80, 100

1/40003 to 8 s



ISO sensitivity (A69)1

ISO 200, 400

1/40003 to 4 s




ISO 800

1/40003 to 2 s




ISO 1600

1/40003 to 1 s







ISO 3200, Hi 1

1/40003 to 1/2 s




Continuous H,

1/40003 to 1/30 s







Continuous L, BSS




Multi-shot 16

1/4000 to 1/30 s




Pre-shooting cache,




Continuous (A68)




Continuous H: 120 fps

1/4000 to 1/125 s














Continuous H: 60 fps

1/4000 to 1/60 s









Intvl timer shooting

1/40003 to 1 s (up to 1/2 s when ISO




sensitivity is set to ISO 3200 or Hi 1)










1The ISO sensitivity setting is restricted depending on the continuous shooting setting (A75).

2 In m mode, the ISO sensitivity is fixed at ISO 80.

3 When the aperture value is set between f/6.6 and f/8.3 and the lens is at its maximum wide- angle zoom position, the maximum shutter speed will be 1/4000 second. The shutter speed becomes slower when the lens is at the telephoto zoom position and the aperture opening is bigger. When the aperture value is set to f/8.3 (largest aperture) and the lens is at its maximum telephoto zoom position, the maximum shutter speed will be 1/2500 second.