If you don't answer a call, the message 1 CALL MISSED or n CALLS MISSED will remain on the display until you press any key (except the on/off key) to clear the display.
1)When your phone alerts you that you have missed calls, you can view the numbers by scrolling to the CALL REGISTER menu, or by simply pressing W or V. The missed calls are stored in your phone in the order they were received.
2)To dial a number in the Missed Calls list, scroll to
the number you wish to call and press . Once you dial a number from the Missed Calls list,
the number is dropped from this list and added to the Dialed Calls list.
CLEAR LISTS erases the Missed Calls, Received Calls, and Dialed Calls lists. You need to enter the phone’s lock code to clear lists.
RECEIVED CALLS shows you the phone number(s) of the last 10 people who have called and reached you.
DIALED CALLS shows you the last 10 phone numbers you’ve dialed.
Note: The phone displays the phone number of received and missed calls only if the cellular system is able to identify the caller and you have Calling Line Identification active. See “Calling Line Identification” on page 9.
Menu 16, Debit
If you activate your phone as prepaid through TRACFONE, your phone will have an additional menu item called DEBIT.
If you activate the prepaid option, your phone functions the same way as it did before, with some additional features. These features are listed and explained in this section.