Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide 199
January2005 Administration
3Click on the Browse button.
Result: The Open dialog box displays, similar to the following:
4Ensure the Files of type drop down box shows Upgrade Files (*.UPG).
5Navigate to the folder where the firmware file is located.
6Select the file, and then click on the Open button.
Example: For Digital Telephone IP Adapter unit firmware, select
IPAdapter.upg, and click on the Open button.
Result: The Software Upload dialog box reappears. The file you selected is
shown in the Uploaded File box.
7Click on the Upload button.
Wait until the file uploads completely before entering any other commands.
The Log Report window displays a confirmation message when the
upgrade is completed.
Note: Configuration Manager prompts you to restart the Digital Telephone
IP Adapter unit after upgrading the firmware. To do this, follow the
procedure on page 204.