D Logs summary

156 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual

NAVA/B Waypoint Navigation Data
This log reports the status of your waypoint navigation progress. It is used in conjunction with the SETNAV
REMEMBER: The SETNAV command must be enabled before valid data will be reported from this log.


NOTE: All distances and angles are calculated using Vincenty's long line geodetic equations that operate on
the currently selected user datum.
See Figure D-1 for an illustration of navigation parameters.
$NAVA week seconds distance bearing along track xtrack etaw
etas nav status sol status *xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1$NAVA Log header $NAVA
2week GPS week number 640
3seconds GPS seconds into the week 333115.00
4distance Straight line horizontal distance from current position to the destination waypoint, in metres
(see SETNAV command, Appendix C; Figure C-5). This value is positive when approaching
the waypoint and becomes negative on passing the waypoint.
5 bearing Direction from the current position to the destination waypoint in degrees with respect to True
North (or Magnetic if corrected for magnetic variation by MAGVAR command) 88.017
6along track Horizontal track distance from the current position to the closest point on the waypoint arrival
perpendicular; expressed in metres. This value is positive when approaching the waypoint
and becomes negative on passing the waypoint.
7xtrack The horizontal distance (perpendicular track-error) from the vessel's present position to the
closest point on the great circle line that joins the FROM and TO waypoints. If a "track offset"
has been entered in the SETNAV command, xtrack will be the perpendicular error from the
"offset track". Xtrack is expressed in metres. Positive values indicate the current position is
right of the Track, while negative offset values indicate left.
8 etaw Estimated GPS week number at time of arrival at the "TO" waypoint along-track arrival
perpendicular based on current position and speed, in units of GPS weeks. If the receiving
antenna is moving at a speed of less than 0.1 m/sec in the direction of the destination, the
value in this field will be"9999".
9etas Estimated GPS seconds into week at time of arrival at destination waypoint along-track arrival
perpendicular, based on current position and speed, in units of GPS seconds into the week.
If the receiving antenna is moving at a speed of less than 0.1 m/sec in the direction of the
destination, the value in this field will be"0.000".
10 nav status Navigation data status, where 0 = good, 1 = no velocity, and 2 = bad navigation calculation 0
11 sol status Solution status as listed in Table D-1 1
12 *xx Checksum *11
13 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]