D Logs summary

152 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual

GPZDA UTC Time and Date
This log will output all null data fields until the GPSCard has achieved first fix.
Local time zones are not supported by the GPSCard. Fields 6 and 7 will always be null.
$GPZDA utc day month year
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1$GPZDA Log header $GPZDA
2 utc UTC time hhmmss.ss 220238.00
3day Day, 01 to 31 xx 15
4month Month, 01 to 12 xx 07
5year Year xxxx 1992
6null Local zone description - not available xx , ,
7null Local zone minutes description - not available xx , ,
8*xx Checksum *hh *6F
9[CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]