D Logs summary

MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 195

SATA/B Satellite Specific Data
This log provides satellite specific data for satellites actually being tracked. The record length is variable and
depends on the number of satellites.
Each satellite being tracked has a reject code indicating whether it is used in the solution, or the reason for its
rejection from the solution. The reject value of 0 indicates the observation is being used in the position solution.
Values of 1 through 11 indicate the observation has been rejected for the reasons specified in Table D-11. A range
reject code of 8 only occurs when operating in differential mode and an interruption of corrections has occurred or
the DGPSTIMEOUT has been exceeded.


$SATA week seconds sol status # obs
prn azimuth elevation residual reject code
prn azimuth elevation residual reject code
*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1$SATA Log header $SATA
2week GPS week number 637
3seconds GPS seconds into the week 513902.00
4sol status Solution status as listed in Table D-1 0
5# obs Number of satellite observations with information to follow: 7
6prn Satellite PRN number (1-32) 18
7azimuth Satellite azimuth from user position with respect to True North, in
degrees 168.92
8elevation Satellite elevation from user position with respect to the horizon, in
degrees 5.52
9residual Satellite range residual from position solution for each satellite, in
metres 9.582
10 reject code Indicates that the range is being used in the solution (code 0) or that
it was rejected (code 1-11), as shown in Table D-11 0
Next PRN number, azimuth, elevation, residual, reject code
Last PRN number, azimuth, elevation, residual, reject code
variable *xx Checksum *1F
variable [CR][LF] Senten ce terminator [CR][LF]