D Logs summary
122 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
$IONA act a1ot a2ot a3ot
bct b1ot b2ot b3ot *xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1$IONA Log header $IONA
2act Alpha constant term, seconds 1.0244548320770265E-008
3 a1ot Alpha 1st order term, sec/semicircle 1.4901161193847656E-008
4 a2ot Alpha 2nd order term, sec/(semic.)2-5.960464477539061E- 008
5 a3ot Alpha 3rd order term, sec/(semic.)3-1.192092895507812E- 007
6bct Beta constant term, seconds 8.8064000000000017E+004
7 b1ot Beta 1st order term, sec/semicircle 3.2768000000000010E+004
8 b2ot Beta 2nd order term, sec/(semic.)2-1.9660 80000000001E+005
9 b3ot Beta 3rd order term, sec/(semic.)3-1.9660 80000000001E+005
10 *xx Checksum *02
11 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]
$UTCA pct p1ot data-ref wk#-utc wk#-lset
delta-time lsop day #-lset *xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1$UTCA Log header $UTCA
2pct Polynomial constant term, seconds -2.235174179077148E-008
3 p1ot Polynomial 1st order term, seconds/second -1.243449787580175E-014
4data-ref UTC data reference time, seconds 32768
5wk #-utc Week number of UTC reference, weeks 745
6wk #-lset Week number for leap sec effect time, weeks 755
7delta-time Delta time due to leap sec, seconds 9
8 lsop For use when leap sec on past, seconds 10
9day #-lset Day num ber for leap sec effect time, days 5
10 *xx Checksum *37
11 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]