Nuvo NV-E6DMS-DC, NV-E6DXS-DC manual RESPONSE Same response as for *ZxxCONSR CR


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RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>

Command to determine when the desired volume point has been reached. Note that ramps in different zones may start at different levels and will all ramp at the same rate.


COMMAND: *ALLV-<CR>Ramp ALL zones DOWN at a 10 dB/second rate in 1 dB steps.


The ramp action will be cancelled when all zones reach MINIMUM (OFF) volume, or when an *ALLHLD<CR> Command is received. Note that to stop the ramp with this command before the minimum volume, one reference zone must be periodically polled with a *ZxxCONSR<CR> Command to determine when the desired volume point has been reached. Note that ramps in different zones may start at different levels and will all ramp at the same rate.


COMMAND: *ALLHLD<CR> Stops ramp action initiated by *ALLV+<CR> Or *ALLV-<CR>


This results in a HOLD of the level at time of command receipt.








COMMAND: *ZxxSRCp<CR> Switch zone xx to SOURCE p ( 1 to 6).

RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>


COMMAND: *ZxxVOLyy<CR> Set volume of zone xx to level yy below max in dB from 0 to 78 dB (include lead 0 for all single-digit values).

RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>


COMMAND: *ZxxVOL+<CR> STARTS zone xx volume ramp UP at the rate of +10 dB per second in +1 dB steps. (This is the same as holding VOLUME UP key on a KEYPAD for 1 second).

RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>, updated 10 times per second.


COMMAND: *ZxxVOL-<CR>STARTS zone xx volume ramp DOWN at the rate of -10 dB per second in -1 dB steps. (This is the same as holding VOLUME UP key on a KEYPAD for 1 second).

RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>, updated 10 times per second.


COMMAND: *ZxxVHLD<CR> STOPS zone xx volume ramp initiated by *ZxxVOL++<CR> or *ZxxVOL--<CR>commands. This results in a HOLD of the level at time of command receipt.



COMMAND: *ZxxMTON<CR> zone xx MUTE ON (mutes currently connected source)

RESPONSE: Same response as for *ZxxCONSR<CR>


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Nuvo NV-E6DMS-DC, NV-E6DXS-DC manual RESPONSE Same response as for *ZxxCONSR CR


What is the *ALLV command?

The *ALLV command ramps all zones DOWN at a 10 dB/second rate in 1 dB steps.

How do I stop a ramp action initiated by *ALLV+ or *ALLV-?

Use the *ALLHLD command to stop the ramp action and hold the level at the time of command receipt.

What does the *ZxxMTON command do?

The *ZxxMTON command mutes the currently connected source in zone xx.