All On/Party Mode



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Volume Reset

Each zone has the capability of turning on at two different volume level settings. At factory default the zone will turn on at the previous listening level. If desired, you can change that default to a low level volume reset regardless of the previous level.

To change the zone to volume reset mode, press the Mute and Source 5 buttons simultaneously. The Source 5 button will begin flashing. The volume LED will first appear at the far left indicating no volume reset. Pushing the Volume Up button will cause the volume LED to move to the far right position. This now indicates that the zone is in volume reset mode, fig. 14.

To return to normal keypad operation, press the Source 5 button again and it will stop flashing. In the volume reset mode the zone will automatically turn on at a preset -60 dB level. The volume reset can be turned off by repeating the above steps and returning the volume LED to the far left position.

Fig. 12

The lit volume LED will flash when the keypad is in Master Mode.


Press the Mute



and Source 4





buttons to




initiate the

Master Mode.






Source 4

Fig. 13


-28 to -19 dB


-38 to -29 dB


-18 to -13 dB




-54 to -39 dB

-12 to -7 dB




-78 to -55 dB

-6 to 0 dB




Fig. 14

Volume Reset Off

Volume Reset On



Page 13
Image 13
Nuvo NV-E6DXS-DC, NV-E6DMS-DC manual All On/Party Mode, Volume Reset