Philips Semiconductors TDA8752B
Triple high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter 110 Msps
Product specification Rev. 03 — 21 July 2000 15 of 38
9397 750 07338 © Philips Electronics N.V. 2000. All rights reserved.
The PLL can be used in three different methods:
The IC can be used as stand-alone with a sampling frequency of up to 110 MHz.
When an RGB signal is at a pixel frequency exceeding 100to 200 MHz, it is
possible to follow one of the two possibilities given below:
Using one TDA8752B: the sampling rate can be reduced by a factor of two, by
sampling the evenpixels in the even frame and the odd pixels in the odd frame.
Pin INV is used to toggle between the frames.
Using two TDA8752Bs: the PLL of the master TDA8752B is used to drive both
ADC clocks.The PLL of the slave TDA8752B is disconnected and the CKBO of
themaster TDA8752B is connected to pin CKEXT of the TDA8752B master and
CKAO to the slave TDA8752B. In this case, on pinCKAO CKBO will be the
output (with bit CKAB of the master at logic 1).
The master TDA8752B is used to sample the even pixels and the slave
TDA8752Bfor odd pixels, using a 180 deg phase shift between the clocks (both
pins CKADCO). The master chip and the slave chip have their pinINV LOW,
which guarantees the 180 deg shift ADC clock drive. Itis then necessar y to
adjust phase B of the master chip.Special care should be taken with the quality
of the input signal (input settling time).
If CKREFO output signal at the master chip is needed, it is possible to use one
of the two phase A values in order to avoid set-up and hold problems in the
SYNCHRO function; e.g. PHASEA= 100 000 and PHASEA = 111111.
When INV is LOW, CKADCO is equal to CKEXT inverted.
phaseselector [tCLK(buffer) = 10 ns and tphaseselector =].
tCKREFO= either tCKAO if PHASEA 01000 or tCKAO + if PHASEA< 01000.
Fig 8. Timing diagram.
tphase selector
------------------------ TCLK(pixel)