Philips Semiconductors TDA8752B
Triple high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter 110 Msps
Product specification Rev. 03 — 21 July 2000 17 of 38
9397 750 07338 © Philips Electronics N.V. 2000. All rights reserved.
9. I2C-bus and 3-wire serial bus interfaces9.1 Register definitions
The configuration of the different registers is shown inTa ble 4 .
Allthe registers are defined by a subaddress of 8 bits;bit A4 refersto the mode which
is used with the I2C-bus interface; bitsSa3 to Sa0 are the subaddresses of each
Bit Mode, used only with the I2C-bus, enables two modes to be programmed:
Mode 0 if bit Mode= 0, each register is programmed independently by giving its
subaddress and its content
Mode 1 if bit Mode= 1, all the registers are programmed one after the other by
giving this initial condition (XXX1 1111) as the subaddress state; thus,
the registers are charged followingthe predefined sequence of 16 bytes
(from subaddress 0000 to1101).
9.1.1 Offset register
Thisregister controls the clamp level for the RGB channels. The relationship between
the programming code and the level of the clamp code is given inTa ble 5.
Table 4: I2C-bus and 3-wire serial bus registers
name Subaddress Bit definition Default
A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 MSB LSB
SUBADDR −−−−−−−−X X X Mode Sa3 Sa2 Sa1 Sa0 XXX1 0000
OFFSETR XXXX0000Or7 Or6 Or5 Or4 Or3Or2Or1Or001111111
COARSER XXXX0001Or8 Cr6 Cr5 Cr4 Cr3Cr2Cr1Cr00010 0000
FINER XXXX0010X X X Fr4 Fr3Fr2Fr1 Fr0 XXX0 0000
OFFSETG XXXX0011Og7 Og6 Og5 Og4 Og3Og2Og1Og001111111
COARSEG XXXX0100Og8 Cg6 Cg5 Cg4 Cg3Cg2Cg1Cg000100000
FINEG XXXX0101X X X Fg4 Fg3Fg2Fg1Fg0XXX00000
OFFSETB XXXX0110Ob7 Ob6 Ob5 Ob4 Ob3Ob2Ob1Ob001111111
COARSEB XXXX0111Ob8 Cb6 Cb5 Cb4 Cb3Cb2Cb1Cb000100000
FINEB XXXX1000X X X Fb4 Fb3Fb2Fb1Fb0XXX00000
CONTROL XXXX1001VlevelHlevelEdge Up Do Ip2 Ip1 Ip0 0000 0100
VCO XXXX1010Z2 Z1 Z0 Vco1 Vco0 Di11 Di10 Di9 01100001
(LSB) XXXX1011Di8 Di7 Di6 Di5 Di4 Di3 Di2 Di1 1001 0000
PHASEA XXXX1100X Di0 Cka Pa4 Pa3Pa2Pa1Pa0X000 0000
PHASEB XXXX1101X Ckab Ckb Pb4 Pb3 Pb2 Pb1 Pb0 X0000000