The Air Time Remaining Bar Graph (Fig. 5a) provides a graphic representation of the time that you can remain at your present depth and then, following a safe ascent, surface with a predetermined reserve of breathing gas.
This calculation and display is based on your Breathing Gas Consumption Rate that is continuously monitored by the Pro Plus 2, and it takes into account the breathing gas required for a safe ascent including any required decompression stops.
O2 |
| PSI |
0 | 5 | 10 | 20 |
| ATR |
The green, yellow, and red zones adjacent to the bar graph
enable you to quickly focus on remaining breathing gas times of 60 minutes and less, based on your pre selected End Pressure Alarm Set Point (described later). The bar graph is more precise as time decreases toward the red zone.
DIVETIMEREMAININGThe Pro Plus 2 constantly monitors three critical pieces of information; no decompression status, oxygen accumulation, and breathing gas consumption rate. Refer to the Oceanic Dive Computer Safety and Reference Manual which describes Dive Time Remaining which is a display that indicates the time that is more critical for you at that particular moment (i.e.; whichever time is the least amount available of the three).
Displayed will be either Time Remaining before reaching the No Decompression limit (Fig. 5b), or Time Remaining before reaching the limit for Oxygen Accumulation, or Time Remaining before reaching the End Pressure Alarm set point.