If the graphic H2O appears during the Fly Mode (Fig. 81) and Desaturation Mode (Fig. 82) countdowns that alternate 2 hours after a dive, it is an indication that the water activation contacts are bridged (still wet) and the unit must be rinsed in fresh water and thoroughly dried.
One contact is located between the control buttons and the other at the base of the Right (Select) button's stem.
•Once the unit is dry, the graphic H2O will disappear from the display.
•If the unit is not cleaned and dried prior to the count- downs reaching 0:00 (hr:min), or making another dive, it will shut off then automatically reactivate.
•The graphic H2O would then appear in place of Dive Number when Surface Mode is displayed during the Surface Mode.
•If no dive is made, the unit would shut off after 2 hours, then automatically reactivate again, repeating the action until cleaned and dried.
Fig. 81 - Fly Mode