O2 |
| PSI |
0 | 5 | 10 | 20 |
| ATR |
Fig. 61 - Delayed Violation #1
The added Penalty (decompression) Time will have to be 'worked off' first, before obtaining
NOTE: Upon entry into the following 3 Delayed ViolationModes,theredLEDwarninglightwilllight and the Audible Alarm will sound, even if Set OFF. TheAlarmcannotbeacknowledged(silenced)by pressingtheLeft(Advance)button.
DelayedViolationMode#1(Fig. 61)(This is a continuation of a Conditional Violation.)
If you remain above the Required Ceiling StopDepth for more than 5 minutes, the full Tissue Loading Bar Graph and Total Ascent Time will flash until you descend below the Required Stop Depth.