Install the Waterproof Port
To enable the Case to be used underwater, the separately available Waterproof Port for the camera lens must be installed on the Case. Align the Waterproof Port with the position where the camera lens will be when the camera is loaded in the Case.
•Refer to the instruction manual provided with the Waterproof Port before attaching the Waterproof Port to the Case.
•Apply the provided Silicon grease to the
•Screw the Waterproof Port into the Case by turning it clockwise all the way.
Waterproof Port mount thread
Silicon grease
The Case should not be used underwater at depths that exceed 40 meters. Even when the attached underwater lens port or other equipment is able to withstand depths exceeding 40 meters, the Case itself cannot be used at depths of more than 40 meters.
Attach the hand strap
Attach the hand strap to the Case.
Hand strap ring
Hand strap
EN 8