Transferring music from your PC to your m:robe

Started Getting

Starting transfer

After you connect your m:robe to your PC, the Music/Photo Organization Software “m:trip” automatically runs.

To start transferring, click the [Sync] button in the bottom right of your m:trip screen. Then, click [Start] in the display that pops up to begin transfer.

During transfer, the display below appears on your m:robe.



When the transfer is complete, the transfer indicator stops on the screen.


You can set m:trip so that transfer is not started automatically. For details, refer to the m:trip online Help.

Disconnecting your m:robe from your PC

1Click the [Remove m:robe] button on the m:trip screen.

2Take your m:robe out of the cradle.

When connecting your m:robe directly to your PC, disconnect the dedicated USB cable from your m:robe.
