2 Instructions
2-394 CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual(W483)
Related Auxiliary Area Words and Bits
Auxiliary Area Words/Flags for User-defined Errors OnlyAuxiliary Area Words/Flags for System Errors OnlyAuxiliary Area Words/Flags for both User-defined and System Errors
Generating Fatal User-defined Errors
When FALS(007) is executed with N set to an FALS number (1 to 511) that is not equal to the content of
A529 (the system-generated FAL/FALS number), a fatal error will be generated with that FALS number
and the following processing will be performed:
1. The FALS Error Flag (A401.06) will be turned ON. (PLC operation will stop.)
2. The error code will be written to A400. Error codes C101 to C2FF correspond to FALS numbers 0001
to 01FF (1 to 511).
Note If an error more serious than the FALS(007) instruction (one with a higher error code) has occurred, A400
will contain the more serious error’s error code.
3. The error code and the time/date that the error occurred will be written to the Error Log Area (A100
through A199).
4. The ERR Indicator on the CPU Unit will be lit.
5. If a word address has been specified in S, the ASCII message beginning at S will be registered (dis-
played on the Peripheral Device).
Note 1 If an error that is more serious (including fatal system errors) than an error registered with this instruction
occurs simultaneously, the error code of that error will be set in error code A400.
2The end code for the message is the null character (00 hexadecimal). All 16 characters in words S to S+7
will be displayed if the null character is omitted.
3N must between 0001 and 01FF. An error will occur and the Error Flag will be turned ON if N is outside of
the specified range.
Name Address Operation
FALS Error Flag A401.06 ON when an error is generated with FALS(007).
Name Address Operation
System-generated FAL/FALS
A529 A dummy FAL/FALS number is used when a system error is generated with FALS(007). Set the same
dummy FAL/FALS number in this word (0001 to 01FF hex, 1 to 511 decimal).
Name Address Operation
Error Log Area A100 to A199 The Error Log Area contains the error codes and time/date of occurrence for the most recent 20 errors,
including errors generated by FALS(007).
Error code A400 When an error occurs its error code is stored in A400. The error codes for FALS numbers 0001 to 01FF
(1 to 511 decimal) are C101 to C2FF, respectively.
NoteIf two or more errors occur simultaneously, the error code of the most serious error will be stored
in A400.
FALS number 1 to 511
FALS error codes C101 TO C2FF
FALS Error Flag ON
Error code written to A400
Error code and time/date written to Error Log Area
ERR Indicator lit
Execution of
generates a
fatal error
with FALS
number N.