2 Instructions
2-396 CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual(W483)
The following table shows how to specify error codes and error details in S and S+1.
Displaying Messages with Fatal User-defined Errors
If S is a word address, the ASCII message beginning at S will be displayed at the Programming
Device when FALS(007) is executed. (If a message is not required, set S to a constant.)
The message beginning at S will be registered when FALS(007) is executed. Once the message is
registered, it will be displayed.
An ASCII message up to 16 characters long can be stored in S through S+7. The leftmost (most sig-
nificant) byte in each word is displayed first.
The end code for the message is the null character (00 hexadecimal).
All 16 characters in words S to S+7 will be displayed if the null character is omitted.
If the contents of the words containing the message are changed after FALS(007) is executed, the
message will change accordingly.
Clearing FALS(007) Fatal System Errors
There are two ways to clear fatal system errors generated with FALS(007).
1. Turn the PLC OFF and then ON again.
2. When keeping the PLC ON, the system error must be cleared as if the specified error had actually
Clearing FALS(007) User-defined Fatal Errors
To clear errors generated by FALS(007), first eliminate the cause of the error and then either clear the
error from a Programming Device or turn the PLC OFF and then ON again.
When a fatal system error is registered, if the IOM Hold Bit is OFF, I/O memory will be cleared.
Error name SS+1
Error code Error details
Memory Error 80F1 hex Bits 00 to 09: Memory Error Location
Bit 00: User program
Bit 01: I/O memory
Bit 04: PLC Setup
Bits 2, 3, 5 to 15: Invalid
I/O Bus Error 80CA hex CP1W Expansion I/O Unit, Expansion Unit
#0A0A hex
Too Many I/O Points Error 80E1 hex Bits 13 to 15: Error Cause
Bits 00 to 12: Details
The channel number of CP1W Expansion I/O Unit is too many.
Bits 13 to 15: 001
Bits 00 to 12: All zeroes
Program Error 80F0 hex Bits 08 to 15: Error Cause
Bit 15: UM overflow error
Bit 14: Illegal instruction error
Bit 13: Differentiation overflow error
Bit 12: Task error
Bit 11: No END error
Bit 10: Illegal access error
Bit 09: Indirect DM BCD error
Bit 08: Instruction error
Bits 00 to 07: Invalid
Cycle Time Overrun Error 809F hex #0000 hex