Troubleshooting (Continued)











The disc name or track

The disc is record-protected

Close the record-protect tab. (See

name cannot be entered.


(“Protected” appears).


page 34.)



A premastered (read-only) disc is

Replace it with a recordable disc.



inserted (“Cannot Rec” appears).











System function cannot be

The system functions cannot be

Check all cable connections. The





system functions cannot be used





even if remote control (












cables are connected. Also






connect the components using





audio cables.





If the symptom still persists,






disconnect the power cord plug,





then connect the plug again. If this

does not improve the condition, with the power cord plug connected, press and hold down the button for more than five seconds and operate the unit.

Excessive electrical interference may temporarily render this system‘s sensitive microcomputer inoperable. If this happens, unplug the system for at least five seconds.


This is the same phenomena that causes windows to mist with water in a heated room during the winter.

The MD recorder also sometimes gets dew (water drops) on the optical lens inside the player under the following conditions.

Immediately after you turn a heater on.

If the MD recorder is placed in a room full of steam or dampness.

If you suddenly bring the MD recorder from the cold outside into a warm room.

If the MD recorder is exposed to dew condensation

You can leave it as it is. Sometimes the recorder cannot read the disc signal by laser and the recorder will not work.

Depending on the surrounding conditions, you can remove the disc and leave the power on for one

hour at most. The dew will evaporate and the recorder will work properly. If it doesn't work after Other several hours, please consult the nearest Onkyo authorized service center.
