Brake Cable
Barrel Adjuster
Lock Nut
Brake Lever
Brake Cable | Cable End | Brake Type | |
| Holder | Selector | |
“C” Clip |
| Rotating Rod |
Mounting Bolt with spacers
Actuating Arm
Brake Pads |
Caliper |
Mounting | Cable Anchor |
Bolt with | |
spacers | Bolt |
Disc Brakes
If fitted with a front disc brake, the components should already be attached. However, please check all connections before attempting to ride the bicycle. Secure tightly the 6 bolts that hold the disc to the front wheel hub and the 2 bolts that hold the brake mechanism to the fork. Insert the front wheel into the fork dropouts ensuring that the disc fits into the brake mecha- nism between the enclosed brake pads. Secure the front wheel to the bicycle by tightening the quick release mechanism and clamping the lever to the closed position. Please refer to sec- tion 6 for further instruction on quick release mechanisms.
Next, attach the cable to the brake lever by inserting the cable end into the cable end holder after the barrel adjuster and lock nut slots have been aligned with the cable end holder. After the cable is secured to the lever, rotate the barrel adjuster and lock nut so the slots no longer line up. Ensure the cable hous- ing seats appropriately into the end of the barrel adjuster and check for any kinks or damage.
Slide the exposed brake cable through the rotating rod located on the caliper body and seat the housing into the same stop. Insert the cable into the spring and spring boot.
Next, slide the cable through the cable anchor and pull all the slack out. Secure the cable in place by tightening the bolts that comprise the anchor assembly. Some disc brakes will have a centering devise while others are a
If your caliper body is equipped with centering bolts, apply the brake lever after the cable has been connected. While engaging the lever, tighten the centering bolts securely. This will center the caliper body on the disc.
DISC GETS HOT! Severe injury could result from contact with the hot disc! Mind your legs, as well as your hands.