Notwithstanding any other provision of this License Agreement, this License Agreement shall not be deemed to apply to the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software or any other applications software licensed to you by third parties that is included on the same media as Palm, Inc.’s Software (“Other Software”) if the Other Software provides that the use of the Other Software is subject to the terms and conditions of the third party’s license agreement.
NO ASSIGNMENT; NO REVERSE ENGINEERING: You may transfer the Software and this License Agreement to another party if the other party agrees in writing to accept the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If you transfer the Software, you must at the same time either transfer all copies of the Software as well as the supporting documentation to the same party or destroy any such materials not transferred. Except as set forth above, you may not transfer or assign the Software or your rights under this License Agreement.
Modification, reverse engineering, reverse compiling, or disassembly of the Software is expressly prohibited. However, if you are a European Union (“EU”) resident, information necessary to achieve interoperability of the Software with other programs within the meaning of the EU Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs is available to you from Palm, Inc. upon written request.
EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: You agree that you will not export or
The software covered by this agreement may contain strong data encryption code which cannot be exported outside of the U.S. or Canada. You agree that you will not export/ reexport, either physically or electronically, the encryption software or accompanying documentation without obtaining written authorization from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
TRADE SECRETS; TITLE: You acknowledge and agree that the structure, sequence and organization of the Software are the valuable trade secrets of Palm, Inc. and its suppliers. You agree to hold such trade secrets in confidence. You further acknowledge and agree that ownership of, and title to, the Software and all subsequent copies thereof regardless of the form or media are held by Palm, Inc. and its suppliers.
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LEGEND: The Software is commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. The Software is delivered as “Commercial Computer Software” as defined in DFARS
TERM AND TERMINATION: This License Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software and documentation together with all copies and merged portions in any form. It will also terminate immediately if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this License Agreement. Upon such termination you agree to destroy the Software and documentation, together with all copies and merged portions in any form.
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