New Ways to Work with Records Page 7
New Ways to Work with Records
Many of the enhancements included in the 3.5 Upgrade improve your
ability to work with records. We have incorporated new functionali ty
and updated existing functionality to help you create, update, and
manipulate your records.

Setting address record security

In Address Book, you have always been able to add security to
selected records so they are complete ly v i sibl e, o r total ly hi dden fro m
view. Unfortunately, this means you can’t tell where hidden records
should appear in the list, and it is possible to forget that you created
the records that are hidden from view.
What changed?
There is now a new security setting, called M ask Recor ds, that e nables
you to hide the contents of a record so other pe ople ca nnot view th em,
but continues to display a placeholder for the record.
Masked records appear as gray placeholders in the same position they
would appear if they were not masked, and are marked with a lock
As before, if you de fine a pas sword fo r your han dhe ld, y ou mus t e nter
it to display masked records.