Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone 205
Connection settings CHAPTER 9
8. Select the 802.1x tab, and then set the
following if available (the settings vary
based on your settings on the other tabs
and on the supported features of your
Wi-Fi SDIO card):
•Use IEEE 802.1x network access
controls: Lets you set these
parameters if required by the network.
•EAP type: Specifies the extensible
authentication protocol type.
9. Press OK .
Selecting a Wi-Fi networkAfter you set up a Wi-Fi connection, it’s easy to connect to that network.
If you have access to multiple Wi-Fi networks, you can select which
network you want to connect to.
1. Wake up your smartphone’s screen (see “Waking up the screen
and turning it off” on page 11), and then insert the Wi-Fi card into
the expansion slot (“Removing and inserting expansion cards” on
page 167).
2. Tap Wi-Fi in the title bar.
3. Select the Settings link.
4. Select Network Cards .
5. Highlight the network you want to connect to.
6. Press and hold Center to open the shortcut menu, and then
select Connect.
Insert the Wi-Fi card
into your smartphone
to automatically
connect to the Wi-Fi
network you
connected to
most recently if it is
Did You Know?
When you are
browsing the Internet
or performing
another Wi-Fi activity,
you can answer a call
without interrupting
that activity.