74 Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone
CHAPTER 4 Staying Organized
Notes are a great way to capture thoughts, questions, and meeting
notes on your Palm Treo 700w smartphone.

Creating a note

1. Press Start and select Programs.
2. Select Notes .
3. Press New (left action key).
4. Do one of the following:
Type the text with the keyboard.
Write the text with the stylus.
Draw a sketch with the stylus,
crossing at least three ruled lines.
5. Press OK .

Recording a voice note

You can create a new voice note or add a recording to an existing note.
1. Press Start and select Programs.
2. Select Notes .
3. To add a recording to a note, open the
note you want to add the recording to. To
create a new voice note, skip this step.
4. Press Menu (right action key) and
select View Recording Toolbar.
5. Select to begin recording.
Before You Begin
Install the software
from your Getting
Started CD that came
with your
Did You Know?
You can add several
voice notes within a
single note.