Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone 279
system locks 189, 191
system requirements 15, 254
System Settings page 183,
184, 196, 197, 198
system sounds 180
system warnings 181
tables in documents 134
tabs, scrolling through 20
taking pictures 117118, 235
tapping 19, 22, 181, 218
adding 71
deleting 73
displaying 72, 73
marking as completed 72
marking as sensitive 71
setting reminders for 71,
Tasks application
customizing 73
filtering options for 72
starting 71
synchronizing with 32
Tasks entry bar 71, 73
Tasks icon 71
Tasks list 72
technical assistance 36, 237
telecommunications 247
temperature range 255
documents 135, 139
multimedia messages 85
spreadsheets 142, 144,
temporal key integrity
protocol (TKIP) 204
tentative appointments 64
aligning 137
changing 135
copying 108
correcting 80, 94, 138
deleting 22
entering 2728, 188
finding and replacing 135
formatting 136
highlighting 22, 137
moving or copying 136
resizing 183
searching for 32, 135
selecting 21
features for 133
text captions 83
text fields 20
text messages
See also messages
addressing 80
creating 79
links in 98
phone numbers in 44
receiving 83
sending 46, 80
troubleshooting 221
text messaging service 1
Text Size page 183
Text Speed Dial button 55
text speed dial buttons 43, 54
themes 174, 184
third-party applications
5-way navigator and 19,
accessing Outlook
folders and 225
freeing internal memory
and 238
getting help with 159
installing 157
losing 214
information and 15, 212
troubleshooting 214, 236
third-party vendors 15, 212
Thumbnail View 118, 120
Thumbnails button 120
time formats 184
Time page 184, 194