264 Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone
certificates 196
contacts 62
directory services 95
documents 139
events 69
favorites links 106
files 157
items from playlists 130
items in folders 156
messages 99, 100, 101
notes 76
pictures 123
sounds 176
speed dial buttons 56
tasks 73
text 22
workbooks 152
worksheets 152
desktop software 212, 241
See also applications
ESD and 251
Device Setup Wizard 127
beaming to 114
caution for storing 7
compliancy for 247
configuring TTY/TTD 177
identifying 112, 204
setting up GPS 197
troubleshooting 222
diagnostic information 196
Dial Lookup list 12
Dial Pad 44, 45
Dial Pad command 44
dial pad tones 177
dialing 13, 4145, 50, 55
Dialpad setting 177
digit grouping 183, 184
Direct Push Technology 86
directory service 95, 101
Disable touchscreen check
box 190
Disconnect Bluetooth
command 113
Disconnect command 209
discoverable setting 112
Dismiss button 47
See also screen
customizing 183184
scroll settings for 188
specifications for 254
display formats 183
Display message on screen
check box 182
alternate characters 28
animated images 126
appointments 63
available applications 30
calendar 63
contacts 41, 62
daily schedules 63
documents 133
events 64, 68
items in folders 139, 152
memory usage 198
menus 23, 25
multimedia messages 84
notifications 182
pictures 120, 126
power settings 199
space on expansion
cards 170, 198
spreadsheets 142, 143
tasks 72, 73
videos 120, 126
web pages 104, 108
wireless settings 200
document file types 133, 139
documentation 2
See also Word Mobile
creating 133, 134, 135
deleting 139
displaying 133
finding and replacing
operations in 135
moving or copying
operations in 136
opening 135
organizing 138
saving 134, 136, 139